We use WordPress for 95% of our client websites (and Shopify for the rest). So, we're big fans of it and highly recommend using it for your project.

We don't talk about plugins as much because they're just 1 part of what makes Wordpress amazing. Think of plugins as bits of code you can just add to your WordPress site. Want a new feature? There's probably a plugin for that. And because so many developers out there know and love WordPress, they're constantly creating new plugins. This means you can often just click 'install' and a new feature is added. No need for expensive custom coding. And, many of them are free (with premium options available).

The vast library of plugins, combined with how developer-friendly and user-friendly WordPress is, makes it our top recommendation. Seriously, with WordPress and its plugins, you can morph your site into whatever you want. And that's why we're all about WordPress.

Plugins and WordPress have a pretty rich history together. From their early beginnings in 2004 to the colossal repository we have today, the journey of plugins has been nothing short of impressive. They weren't just an afterthought; they were pivotal in shaping WordPress into the powerhouse it is now. Let's take a little trip down memory lane and see when these game-changers came to be.

Infographic showing key dates and milestone regarding Wordpress Plugins

  • May 27, 2003: Wordpress introduced by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little
  • May 2004: Introduction of the plugin idea with WordPress 1.2
  • 2006: Launch of the official WordPress Plugin Directory
  • End of 2011: WordPress Plugin Directory hosts over 10,000 plugins
  • Early 2013: Number of plugins in the directory reaches 20,000
  • 2014: WordPress Plugin Directory surpasses 1 billion total plugin downloads
  • End of 2017: Directory grows to include over 50,000 plugins
  • End of 2020: More than 5,000 Gutenberg block plugins available
  • End of 2023: WordPress Plugin Directory hosted 59,746 free plugins