Devon Ortho


Medical, Storefront




Design, Development

Content Management System


The Goal

Devon Orthodontics had a 10-year-old site that needed major help. Their previous site highlighted their services well but was poorly structured. Elements meant for the footer were present in the header, and vice versa. Also, the previous site had excessive whitespace, and the images were not properly aligned. They wanted to fix things quickly and get more chances of converting guests who needed dental care, so they contacted us.

The Solution

We created a modern site for them that was well organized and easy to use. Sequel to that, we helped them showcase their expertise and achievements at the on-set. The site’s elements were reshuffled and positioned in an orderly manner. We also used the right call-to-action to move guests to make the right choice. Since we gave their site a more professional look, the Devon Orthodontics team has literally had a cause to smile.

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