American Immigrant Investor Alliance


Non-profit, Service


Design, Development

Content Management System


The Goal

We connected with Ishaan during the early days of his biz, the American Immigrant Investor Alliance. The organization took off quicker than expected (which was great), so the goal was to create an awesome site that offered a wealth of info for potential investors while also making it easy for visitors to connect with professionals like lawyers and accountants. We wanted the site to grow alongside Ishaan's organization.

The Solution

We got down to work, crafting a dynamic site for the American Immigrant Investor Alliance that could adapt to their fast-paced growth. We made sure to pack the site with useful info for anyone looking to invest in supporting immigrants and their journey to the U.S. To make it even more valuable, we built the site with easy access to Ishaan's long list of professional connections, so visitors can quickly find the experts they need, be it lawyers, accountants, or other pros. We're stoked with the final product, and even more excited to see how the site evolves as the organization continues to grow over time. We're right here cheering Ishaan and his team on!

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