2 different images of people making websites and 1 of a lawyers. Also 10 years text.

Law Firm Website Design Company

Having your law firm plastered on the sides of buildings, park benches, and buses isn’t as effective as it used to be.

Your future clients aren’t looking up anymore, they’re looking at their phones and laptops. Stop relying on antiquated strategies to get the word out, it’s time to get a website that does more work than your old advertisers and even your paralegals.

Check Out Our Work!

If you’re a lawyer with your own practice, chances are you already have your website. If you don’t, you’re already far behind your competitors. A study by the American Bar Association showed that most lawyers and law firms are online. The larger the firm, the more likely that firm is to have a website. For most of those firms, though, that website is nothing more than a virtual business card.

While catchy phone numbers and jingles still work for some lawyers and firms, most have come to the obvious conclusion that a robust online presence is the best way to reach new clients. Over 90% of potential clients look online for their legal representation. Whether you realize it or not, your online presence is shaping the future of your business and the way you acquire your clients. That’s why you ensure it’s doing the right work for you.

Web Design Strategies for Law Firms

The 215 Guys have helped clients develop their online presence through thoroughly-designed websites. We don’t like to brag - well, not too much - but we’ve created over 500 of them for clients in our years of experience. Each one of those clients had different goals and requirements that presented a new slate of challenges we were excited to tackle. It’s not like we help anyone win a trial or escape a conviction, but we help bring businesses into new markets.

Pie chart showing digital marketing methods
Person pointing at a mail envelop icon

Easy Contact Methods

Your time is valuable, as is every paralegal, lawyer, or assistant in your office. Online appointment systems keep the firm on schedule and create a convenient asset for your clients and staff.

SEO - Keyword Optimization

Law has thousands of niche specialties that make you relevant to some cases but not others. SEO gets your website into the search rankings for the specific kind of law you or your firm practices so you can find the right clients.

SEO text with various tech icons around it
Person holding phone with 5 stars above phone

Testimonials & Social Proof

That ABA study we mentioned also revealed 89% of consumers won’t use a firm with less than 4 stars, show off your positive reviews, testimonials, and other content to convince clients you’re firm is the real deal.

Our Experience in the Law Firm World

We’ve created websites for professionals across a wide range of industries. We’re proud to have put several Philadelphia law firms on the map, and on the web, but we’ve achieved much more than that. Our mission is to make websites that achieve our client’s mission.

What The 215 Guys Can Do For Your Law Firm

The website we create for you is designed with our knowledge, but we’ll explain to you why that knowledge is useful in your case and how you can do more to propel it. Current and future clients look to you for guidance, and we want nothing more than to help you share that guidance in every way you can.

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High-Quality Images & Graphics

The photography or graphics we use for your website will live up to the quality of the work you give your clients.

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Seamless Connections & Loading Speeds

Whenever you or your clients need your website, it will be up and running thanks to high speeds and a quality web host.

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Safety & Security Features

Don’t worry about data or leaks, we’ll make sure your website is secure enough to protect your privacy and data - and that of your clients.

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Consistent Brand Messaging

Your website is your brand, and we’ll make sure it delivers the same kind of messaging you do when you speak with staff, associates, or clients.

magnifying glass with text SEO

Content That Tells YOUR Stories

Your website tell your story to clients, making sure to establish your voice, your authority, and the reasons why your current clients chose you.

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Design Choices Based On Your Preferences

You have your own style and design preferences, and we have the years of experience and skills needed to bring them to life.

Ready to talk?
So are we!

Your website is more than just a digital business card. It can be an extension of your business and your firm when you use the right tools or team to put it together.

Hit Us Up!