Google Makes Gmail Safer With New Security Warnings

Taking a look at the internet, you can just notice how data breaching has taken a heavy toll on many accounts. Therefore, Google is ensuring that there is top-notch security for both android and web users utilizing their Gmail services.

What is the use of WP-CLI in WordPress?

It is a productivity tool which speeds up development by running commands rather than going through Graphical User Interface (GUI).

For all WordPress installations, it is important to use WP-CLI because it’s a powerful command line. You conveniently renovate plugins as well as perform installations from multiple sites not necessarily using your web browser.

WordPress is a cool and easy to use content management system that gives users the power to perform administrative duties by a responsive GUI. Nonetheless, this is not the best option if you’re seeking maximum productivity. Thus, if you consider increased productivity, WP-CLI has better performance in executing tasks with much ease.

Functions of WP-CLI

WP-CLI covers all aspects that relate to WordPress and involve all operations from the development of a website to how it is managed. WP-CLI performs all kind of administrative tasks no matter the environment; be it developing a new website or working on an existent one, its command line has impeccable efficiency.

Additionally, there are other common uses which must be mentioned:

  • Mounting a WP site
  • Modernizing the WP core
  • Controlling WP themes and plugins
  • Introducing media files in bulk

The elementary list that gives WP-CLI functions a meaning is a set of commands which you execute right from the bat. WP-CLI is an effective command line tool that integrates effortlessly by using WordPress plugins, vagrant boxes, editor plugins, and wrappers.

Is the WordPress command line for everyone?

WP-CLI is an interesting tool to work with especially when using code. Nonetheless, there are other four necessities that must be fulfilled by the user:

  1. WP-CLI requires UNIX to operate
  2. The PHP version should be 5.3.29 or later
  3. Only WordPress 3.7 or later is compatible
  4. The hosting website environment must have Secure Shell (SSH) access

Website developers plus coders who meet the demands will have a mindboggling experience when using WordPress. However, WP-CLI cannot necessarily develop a website from scratch, although it has impressive upgrade features for any site.

Common features of WP-CLI frequently used:

Installing a plugin

WP-CLI can install new plugins with many variations although the basic code to use is “$wp plugin install”, without the quotation marks. Thereafter, you add the plugin name and instructions; whether activation is instantaneous or not.

Managing themes

WordPress themes are easily managed using WP-CLI. The following list of codes in theme management are used:

  • View your current themes: [user@server]$ wp theme list
  • Search a new theme: [user@server]$ wp theme search
  • Install theme: [user@server]$ wp theme activate
  • Activate theme: [user@server]$ wp theme activate

Deleting a transient value

By using WP-CLI, you can delete multiple transient values from the WP dashboard. All this is done by two lines of code which clean your site.

Updating WordPress

Since WP-CLI also assists in administrative functions and is a good place to start especially for multiple sites. Additionally, it eases operations considerably.


It is important that web developers update their knowledge as WordPress continues to thrive. WP-CLI is a tool that has its place in the world of web development.

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